NOTICE: This system is the property of the United Network for
Organ Sharing. It is for authorized use only. Users of this
system have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy. By
using this system, the user acknowledges that all uses of this
system will be monitored and recorded, and may be disclosed
at the sole discretion of UNOS.

UNOS provides access to UNOS Systems and other software
and data to approved transplant professionals in order to match
organ donors with recipients as well as for certain quality
assurance and improvement activities related to organ
transplantation. UNOS Systems are provided by United Network
for Organ Sharing ("UNOS"), located at 700 N. 4th Street,
Richmond, Virginia 23219, United States.

By continuing to use this system, you indicate your awareness of
and consent to UNOS Terms of Use (
policy/). If you do not agree to the conditions stated in this
notice, please disconnect immediately.

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